Pro Dedicated Fiber Lines

Introducing the Pro Residential Dedicated Fiber Line—the fastest route to better Internet for you and safer homes for all.

Pro Dedicated Fiber Lines

For more information, contact Ken Forbord to discuss your options.

Introducing the Pro Residential Dedicated Fiber Line—the fastest route to better Internet for you and safer homes for all.

Atherton Fiber is now able to deliver internet speeds of up to 10 Gigabytes per second, delivered via a dedicated high-capacity fiber line running straight from our hub to your residence.

Our Pro Residential Dedicated Fiber Line package delivers up to 10 Gigabytes of synchronous data to use any way you wish, such as a direct, secure link between your home and office. Or, to give you the capacity to flawlessly manage your own home security systems and cameras. Dedicated Fiber Lines can also help subsidize data connections between your neighborhood’s homes and local police and private security headquarters, allowing them to monitor your feeds as well.

The fiber connection becomes part of your property, and thereby increases your home’s value. And fiber-based data delivery is future-proofed, meaning that when higher bandwidth becomes available, the system you install today will be able to accommodate it.

For a one-time fee, a Dedicated Fiber Line will provide your home network with a lifetime of greater bandwidth, higher security and more control. When you secure a Pro Residential Dedicated Fiber Line, you’re not just helping yourself. You’re making your entire neighborhood more productive and more secure. And you are helping to ensure that property values will continue to rise.

Have questions about the Pro Residential Dedicated Fiber Line? We’re here to help.